Dandy Dharma, Wiwiek R Adawiyah, Eman Sutrisna


Abstract : The Growth of Hospital in the world is making a rapid progress, in Indonesia there are about 2800 hospital that is active. The high demand made hospital to always improved their quality service. All Health care provider need to understand what the patient and his or her family feel about the health care provider. Servicescape or physical enviroment of an organization in creating a service experience can be used to measure the condition of the health care provider enviroment. Dimension of servicescape include tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty. A couple of previous research show there is a significant relationship between servicescape and the high recommendation to the health care provider. This Study aim to learn the effect of servicescape with patient satisfaction in private hospital. This study is a observational cross sectional with the inclusion all patient in Budi Asih Hospital Purwokerto that agree or consent to the research and exclusion is patient with mental illnes or reject to be part of the research. The method to gather the sample is non probability sampling with consecutive sampling because of the limited subject and time of research. The instrument to gather the data is using Bittner servicescape dimension questionnaire that is modified. Data will be process using multiple regresion, F test and T test. The main result of the study is there is a significant with R 0,526 between all the servicescape dimension as whole and patient satisfaction. But in the servicescape dimension especially in the ambient condition the sig only 0,521 and t count is 0,0649 which indicated that there is no significant effect of servicescape to patient satisfaction. Futher studies is needed to focused more in the pshycological response to the physical enviroment from other perspective.

Keyword : Servicescape, Health Care, Hospital, Physical Dimension, Patient satisfaction

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