Usaha Tani Lada Putih di Desa Kedarpan Kecamatan Kejobong Kabupaten Purbalingga

Rinata Sari, Endang Sri Gunawati, Ratna Setyawati Gunawan




The title of this research is "White Pepper farming in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency". The purpose of this research was to analyze the advantages and the economic efficiency of white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency. The research method is a survey. This research used are primary data and secondary data. The samples are all members of farmer groups, namely white pepper farmer groups Margo Utomo numbered 44 people. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the advantages (TR-TC) and analysis of R/C ratio. Based on the results of the research are first, white pepper farming is unprofitable, with the average loss per hectare is  -Rp27.900.460,11. Second, the results of the analysis of R/C ratio shows that the value of economic efficiency white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village, Subdistrict of Kejobong, Purbalingga Regency yet efficient is 0,81. The implications of this research are white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency farmers should pay attention to the factors of production are excluded, as it is known that there are three costs incurred is too large labor costs, the cost of fertilizer, and land rental costs. White pepper farmers also need to pay attention to post-harvest processing, especially in the immersion process so that the quality of white pepper in the village Kedarpan be nice. The local government or related agencies namely the Department of Agriculture, Plantation and Forestry should continue to conduct cooperation and assistance in the form of training and guidance to the group farming white pepper so that the pepper farmers have the knowledge and deeper understanding of the problems of farming white pepper so that the farmers can develop their business.

Keywords: Farming, white pepper, economic efficiency



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Print ISSN : 1907-6827   Online ISSN : 2620-8849

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