Modal Sosial dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Pariwisata (Kasus Daerah Obyek Wisata Colo Kabupaten Kudus)

Galang Hendry Syahriar, Darwanto Darwanto



Regions that have potential of natural and religious tourism can be developed to sustain the communitys economy. However, this potential has not been explored because of the management that has not been well-organized and the high interests of stakeholders. This study explores how the image of form, the interaction of institutions and social capital in the community area of Tourism Object Colo. The research method uses qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The results showed that Colos villagers have formed an institution in the form of supporting mass organizations tourism and forms main management to coordinate each other. However, the interactions between the concerned stakeholders are still minimal, so they are still blaming each other for the authority and responsibilities of the parties so that tourism development tends to be slow.

Keywords: Tourism, Social capital, Institution, Qualitative



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Print ISSN : 1907-6827   Online ISSN : 2620-8849

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