Tipologi Daerah Berdasarkan Investasi, Penyaluran Kredit, Pengeluaran Pemerintah dan Tenaga Kerja (Studi Kasus Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Barat Tahun 2004 - 2010)
Regional typology is an analyze to find the pattern and structure of economic growth in each region. Its classifies the regions into four groups, namely, the developed regions and grows quikcly, the surfeited regions or growing regions but suppressed, the potential for growing and the relative poor regions. Basically, regional typology divides by two main indicators, they are economic growth and income per capita. This study tried to develop a typology of regions based on the investment, credit outstanding, government expenditure and employment. Methods of analysis used Klassen tipology analysis and logarithmic regression analysis models with GLS method. The result form Klassen Typology Analysis concluded there are three regions classified on the developed regions and grows quikcly. Four regions classified on the surfeited regions or growing regions but suppressed, three regions as potential for growing, and fifteen regions classified on relative poor regions. The result from regression analysis shows that independent variable for another PMA realization, that is PMDN realization, credit outstanding for financial capital, consumption credit outstanding, government development expenditure, goverment consumption expenditure and employment that give positive influence and significant to the West Java regional economic growth with (t test)or (F test). While dominant variable give the influence to the West Java regional economic growth period 2004-2010 is employment.Therefore, suggested to the government both provincial and district to encourage investment by private or government to increase output and also employment.
Keywords: Klassen Typology, Credit distribution, Government expenditure, Employment, GLS.