Strategic Assets And Electronic Commerce In Msme Performance
The Covid-19 Pandemic has paralyzed many industries in the trade sector in the world. The industrial world has limited movement with government policies asking people to stay home, so many industrial economies have fallen sharply and even died. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the business sector began reviving, followed by an increase in MSME sales turnover and income. MSMEs must utilize digital technology to increase sales during the Covid-19 pandemic through electronic commerce platforms. In addition, the strategic assets owned by MSMEs can also improve MSME performance. This study aims to see the effect of quality strategic assets and electronic commerce in improving MSME performance. The research sample was SMEs in Banyumas Regency with a random sampling technique and data analysis techniques using SPSS. The sample used was 85 SMEs as respondents. Research gives results where the higher the quality of the strategic assets owned by owners or managers of SMEs, the higher the use of electronic commerce as a sales strategy will increase product sales turnover and improve performance of batik MSME in Banyumas district. .
Keywords: strategic assets, electronic commerce, MSME performance.
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