Influence Of Service Quality And Price Perception On Word-Of-Mouth (Wom) With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediating Variable (A Study on Customers of Angkringan Purwokerto)

Ananda Bagus Wicaksono, Monica Rosiana, Lusi Suwandari, Wahju Indah Anggraeni


This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality and price perception on customer satisfaction, which in turn impacts word-of-mouth among consumers of "angkringan" in Purwokerto. The data used in this study consists of primary and secondary data collected from 116 respondents. The sampling technique employed is nonprobability sampling using purposive sampling method, and the data is processed using SEM AMOS. The results of this study indicate that service quality and price perception have a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, service quality has a significant positive influence on word-of-mouth, while price perception does not show any influence on word-of-mouth. Additionally, customer satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between service quality, price perception, and word-of-mouth. There are managerial implications that can be implemented by "angkringan" business owners. These include providing employee training, managing product quality, paying attention to details, being responsive to feedback, strengthening customer interactions and enhancing empathy, improving facilities, maintaining product and service quality, enhancing communication with customers through effective channels, and implementing customer loyalty programs to increase customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Service quality, price perceptions, customer satisfaction, WOM.

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