Determinants Of Poverty Rate In The Barlingmascakeb Area Using The Sustainibility Livelihood Approach (SLA)

Tri Solehatun, Barokatuminalloh Barokatuminalloh, Lilis Siti Badriah, Werdha Candratrilaksita


The high poverty rate in the Barlingmascakeb area is higher than the poverty rate in Central Java Province, so it is necessary to conduct research to analyze the effect of education rate, expenditure per capita, road length, and land area on poverty in the Barlingmascakeb area using the Sustainability Livelihood Approaches (SLA). The data used is from 2017 to 2022. The analytical tool used is the multiple linear regression method of pooling time series data models. The results showed that the variables of education rate, expenditure per capita, road length, and land area simultaneously had a significant effect on the poverty rate variable in the Barlingmascakeb area. While partially the variable education rate has a positive and significant effect on poverty in the Barlingmascakeb area, the expenditure per capita variable has a negative and significant effect on poverty in the Barlingmascakeb area, the road length variable has a negative and significant effect on poverty in the Barlingmascakeb area, and the land area variable has a positive and significant effect on poverty in the Barlingmascakeb area. So efforts are needed from the government in reviewing the curriculum according to user needs, as well as the need for information dissemination so that the needs of labor graduates are able to find appropriate job opportunities, provide jobs, improve access to better roads, the need for agricultural counseling for farmers, as well as various policies and programs of assistance to poor farmers.


Keywords: sustainibility livelihood approach; poverty; education rate; expenditure per capita; road length

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