Waste Management Business Development Strategy Through Jeknyong Application In Purwokerto City

Rafida Putri Wardani, Lilis Siti Badriah, Barokatuminalloh Barokatuminalloh, Suparjito Suparjito, Johan Tumiwa


The waste problem in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province is very complex considering the huge amount of waste, reaching 60 tons per day. While the landfill has limited capacity and is constrained by many objections from the community around the landfill. Therefore, to anticipate these problems, the local government launched the Jeknyong application from its regional company, PT Banyumas Investama Jaya. This research aims to analyze the business development strategy of waste management with the Jeknyong application system. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis to analyze the government's contribution to waste management, community participation, recycled waste products, and income, as well as SWOT, IFE, EFE, and IE Matrix analysis to identify waste management business development strategies. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The research samples in this study were the people of Purwokerto City and the leaders and staff of PT Banyumas Investama Jaya. The results of the analysis show that (1) the contribution of the Banyumas Regency government in maintaining environmental cleanliness is very good. (2) the level of community participation in the Jeknyong application has started to look positive. (3) Recycled products that can be produced by PT Banyumas Investama Jaya include coal substitute fuel, paving blocks, and roof tiles. (5) The SWOT analysis result shows that the most appropriate strategy to use is the Intensive strategy, Integration strategy, and weaknesses-opportunities strategy.


Keywords: Strategy; Business Development; Jeknyong Application; SWOT; IE Matrix

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