Exploring Entrepreneurial Resilience In Indonesia From Gender Perspectives

Faizah Syihab, Ati Harianti


The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to investigate various factors that influence company resilience from a gender viewpoint. A total of 21,286 respondents were drawn from Indonesia's various provinces. The data was taken from the National Labor Force Survey 2022 (SAKERNAS, 2022). The logistic regression (logit) model is used to advance the study. Gender, education, and firm size are among the key variables examined in this data analysis of resilience in Indonesia. The findings show that men have higher levels of resilience than women when it comes to business resilience. Education has been shown to be an important factor, with different levels of educational attainment influencing individuals' resilience. Furthermore, firm size is emphasized as a predictor of resilience, with larger firms having more resources and capabilities. To address these disparities, it is necessary to promote gender equality, improve access to education, and support women entrepreneurs. Understanding and addressing these factors is critical for promoting resilience and equitable and sustainable development in Indonesia.

Keywords: Resilience, gender, education, firm size, disparities, Indonesia, gender equality, women entrepreneur, Covid

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