Analysis Of Human Resources Performance In Supporting Good Governance Measured By The Human Resource Scorecard (Case Study In Pekunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency)

Raissa Suria Ardiyanti, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Meutia Karunia Dewi, Agung Widi Hatmoko


Human resource performance analysis carried out using the human resource scorecard needs to be aligned with the vision, mission and goals to ensure that human resources have a significant contribution in achieving the vision, mission and goals. Quality human resources that support good governance are important in realizing the desired vision, mission and goals. To improve the performance of human resources, organizations must have valid, detailed and clear measures. This study aims to design or conceptualize human resource deliverables and human resource enablers which will also be linked to the objectives of the Pekunden Village government. Human resources who have these deliverables can make a significant contribution in achieving the goals of the organization. Meanwhile, human resource enablers create conditions that support the development and implementation of deliverables by human resources. To measure human resource performance, have several stages including designing human resource deliverables and human resource enablers. The research method used is a qualitative method. The sampling technique used is based on population, namely using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling method. Respondents in this study were village officials and village communities with a total of 5 samples. Some of the research results include: 1) Pekunden Village has 11 missions and 14 objectives. 2) From a financial perspective, human resource deliverables consist of 6 items, while human resource enablers consist of 15 items. 3) From a customer or community perspective, human resource deliverables consist of 7 items, while human resource enablers consist of 20 items.

 Keywords: HR Performance, Good Governance, Human Resource Scorecard

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