Evaluation Of The Utilization Of Canva Application By Students In The Development Of Learning Media In The Economics Education Study Program

Cut Misni Mulasiwi, Ramita Kholifaturrohmah


The use of technology in the learning process is an effort to encourage renewal so that the learning process becomes more effective. Utilization of technology in learning can be used in learning media. One of the uses of learning media that uses digital technology is the use of the Canva application. This research is evaluation research using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model to evaluate the use of the Canva application by students in developing learning media in the Economics Education Study Program, FEB Unsoed. The population in this study is all undergraduate students of Economics Education who are taking the Learning Media course in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, as many as 46 people. The sampling technique in this study used non-probability sampling, namely a saturated sample technique where the entire population was sampled because the population totaled less than 100. Based on the results of the research and data analysis using quantitative descriptive statistical analysis, it shows that: 1) The quality of the context (context) in In this research, namely the quality of learning media made with the Canva application, is in a good category, (2) The quality of student input in accessing learning media made with the Canva application is in a good category, (3) The quality of the learning process (process) of course Learning Media using the Canva Application is in a good category, (4) The quality of the product (product) in this study is seen from the output results of student learning achievement in the Learning Media course, especially in the Subject Learning Outcomes (CPMK) sub-category, Learning media development is in the category of Very good. The Canva application makes the learning process not dull because features, templates, and designs can be used to make digital learning media attractive.


Keywords: Learning Media, Canva, CIPP Model, Economic Education.


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