Economic And Environmental Dynamics: The Effects Of Gdp, Open Trade, Energy Consumption, And Fdi On Co2 Emissions In Vista Countries
This study analyses the effect of gross domestic product (GDP), Free Trade, Energy Consumption and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Co2 Emissions in VISTA Countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, South africa, Turkey and Argentina). Annual data from 2010 to 2022 were used to examine the relationship between these variables and co2 emissions. This study uses the fix effect model method. The results show that an increase in GDP, Openned Trade, and Energy Consumption significantly increases Co2 Emissions in VISTA Countries. However, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has no effect on increasing Co2 emissions. This study provides policy implications for VISTA countries in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, encouraging the use of renewable energy, and managing trade and foreign investment more wisely to reduce negative environmental impacts.
Keywords: CO2 emissions, GDP, Openned Trade, Energy Consumption, FDI, VISTA countries
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