The Influence Of Product Quality, Customer Experience, And Social Media Promotion On Purchasing Decision

Aditya Wirananda, Suharyanto Suharyanto


This research aims to identify the influence of product quality, customer experience, and promotions via social media on purchasing decisions (study at the Kedai Kopi X in Jakarta). Researchers used quantitative descriptive methods using a Likert scale. Sample calculations use the formula discovered by Lemeshow. Tools for conducting analysis include multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. This research shows the results of (1) product quality variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Kedai Kopi X in Jakarta. This is proven by the value of 0.449 and significance of 0.001. (2) The customer experience variable has no effect on purchasing decisions. This is proven by the value of regression of 0.052 and significance of 0.761. (3) Promotion variables via social media have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This is proven by the value regression of 0.362 and a significance of 0.000. Meanwhile, simultaneously, these three variables influence purchasing decisions at Kedai Kopi X.

Keywords: product quality, customer experience, promotion, social media, purchasing decision

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