Human Capital, Artificial Intelligence Are Mediated By Digital Twin To Improve Msme Performance In Purwokerto
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of the economy in many countries around the world. They make significant contributions to economic growth, job creation, and income distribution. This research aims to investigate the potential and effectiveness of using Human Capital, Artificial Intelligence mediated by Digital Twins in improving the performance of MSMEs. This research will focus on developing and implementing new technology and strategies to optimize stock management, increase operational efficiency, improve customer service, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. This research can also contribute to increasing the competitiveness and profitability of Alfamart and its partner MSMEs through innovative approach in managing and utilizing human resources and technology. This research uses a quantitative approach. Based on a quantitative approach, this research uses a survey method using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population used in this research were employees who worked at several Alfamarts in Purwokerto. This research uses a convenience sampling technique. Considering the limited time in collecting data, researchers can determine the sample using the Roscoe formula. Data analysis techniques use measurement scales (Likert scales), multiple regression, data analysis tests, classical assumption tests and mediation tests. The results of this research show that human capital has a positive effect on the performance of Alfamart MSMEs. Artificial intelligence has a positive effect on the performance of Alfamart MSMEs. There is a significant mediating effect from the digital twin between human capital on the performance of Alfamart MSMEs. There is a significant mediation effect from the digital twin between artificial intelligence on Alfamart MSME performance, this is shown by the results of a questionnaire with 40 respondents.
Keywords: Human Capital, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, MSME Performance.
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