Determinants Of Inclusive Economic Development In 34 Provinces In Indonesia


  • Nurul Baeti
  • Barokatuminalloh Barokatuminalloh
  • Arif Andri Wibowo
  • Suparjito Suparjito


: Inclusive economic development in Indonesia has reached a satisfactory level, but still lags behind compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. Additionally, inclusive economic development in each province in Indonesia also experiences disparities. The purpose of this research is to examine the extent of the influence of average years of schooling, the recipients of the Program Indonesia Pintar, the recipients of the BPJS assistance program, life expectancy, and the gender development index on inclusive economic development in Indonesia from 2018 to 2021. This study was conducted in 34 provinces in Indonesia, using secondary data and panel data regression analysis. The research results indicate that the average length of schooling, life expectancy, and gender development index statistically have a positive and significant impact on inclusive economic development, while recipients of the Program Indonesia Pintar and recipients of the BPJS PBI program statistically do not significantly affect inclusive economic development. The implication of this research is that the government must improve the quality and access of education and health for the public, as well as enhance gender equality to achieve increasingly inclusive economic development.

Keywords: Program Indonesia Pintar, BPJS Health Assistance, Gender Development Index, Inclusive economic development.


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