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Isnaeni Sumiarsih


PP No.10 of 1979 on the Assessment of Civil Service Employment Implementation is
substantially incompatible with current conditions. List of Employment Assessment
Implementation Employment or known as DP3 is not in accordance with the course of
bureaucratic reform that emphasizes on performance. Therefore, issued PP 46 Year 2011
on Job Performance Assessment of civil servants as a revision of Government Regulation
No.10 Year 1979. Performance appraisal consists of two elements of SKP and Work
Behavior with the weight of SKP element assessment of 60% and work behavior of 40% .
Performance performance of individual employees is very important in achieving
organizational goals.
In the assessment of individual performance of civil servants in addition to paying attention
to the main duties and functions, also to assess the additional tasks assigned to the individual
civil servants concerned. Instruments Performance appraisal Individuals of civil servants
include: (1) Performance appraisals are based on the Individual Performance Goals (SKIs)
performed by comparing work realizations with targets of quantity, quality, time and cost
aspects, multiplied by the weight of activities; (2) Assessment of work behavior is done by
observation according to predetermined criteria; (3) Performance appraisal is done by
combining SKI assessment with work behavior assessment. Assessment in SKP covers
aspects of quantity, quality, time, or cost. While the assessment of the work act includes
elements: Service Orientation, Integrity, Commitment, Discipline, Cooperation, and
Leadership. In addition to conducting Job Duties Activities that have become tasks and
functions, ifan employee has additional duties related to the position, it can be assessed and
assigned to additional tasks.
Keywords: DP3, SKP

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