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Ratna Setyawati Gunawan, Novita Widayaningsih, Nunik Kadarwati, Meilani Luvitasari Hadinegara


This research titled "Economic Efficiency and Development Strategy ofPayung Geulis Small
Industry in Kelurahan Panyingkiran Tasikmalaya City". The purpose of this research is to
analyze the BEP (break event point), the level of economic efficiency, internal and external
environmental conditions, and alternative small industry development strategy payung
geulis in Kelurahan Panyingkiran Tasikmalaya City.
This research uses the census method. Respondents in this research is five payung geulis
small industrys in Kelurahan Panyingkiran Tasikmalaya City. Analysis tool used in this
research is the formula ofthe BEP, business efficiency (R/C Ratio), IFE Matrix, EFE matrix,
the Matrix IE and SWOT Matrix.
The results of the analysis showed that the fiveth payung geulis entrepreneurs in Kelurahan
Panyingkiran City ofTasikmalaya has reached the BEP on the basis ofthe price and the unit
with the value on the basis ofthe price ofRp.25.000 and on the basis ofthe unit of534 units,
while from the calculation of the R/C Ratio shows that the fiveth payung geulis
entrepreneurs in Kelurahan Panyingkiran Tasikmalaya City already efficient, this is shown
by the value of R/C Ratio >1 with the value of the average R/C ratio of 1.56. Based on the
payung geulis industrys IFE matrix in Kelurahan Panyingkiran Tasikmalaya City shows a
score 3,552, and EFE matrix shows a score 3,556, so that on the matrix IE environment
condition intenrnal and external small industry payung geulis shows on first cell where the
best strategies that can be applied is the growth and development strategy where the cell
implementation strategies that can be done is the intensive strategy and integrative.
The implications ofthis research is payung geulis small industry in Kelurahan Panyingkiran
Tasikmalaya City can continue for providing the benefits. Some of the things that can be
done by the entrepreneurs is to maintain and increase cooperation with the government of
the City of Tasikmalaya, innovation development and broader marketing.
Keyword : payung geulis, economic efficiency, and development strategy.

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