Analysis of The Trend, Author, and Source of Islamic Csr in the Scopus Database

Arif Sapta Yuniarto, Eliada Herwiyanti


This study aims to map Islamic CSR research on the Scopus database. A bibliometric approach is used to answer this goal so that it can describe the development of science through mapping research publications. Research data was collected from 2009 to 2023 with the keyword 'Islamic CSR.' For that, the writer uses R-Studio. The study results found that the collection of articles consisted of 71 article documents. It was found that the most relevant journals were the Journal of Islamic Marketing & International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change. In contrast, the journals with the most significant impact are the Journal of Islamic, Cogent Business and Management Journal, and Social Responsibility Journal. In comparison, the most relevant and productive writers are Yusoff and Bhatti. At the same time, the writers who have the most significant impact are Al Fakhri Y, Bhatti, and Nurunnabi. The topics most discussed in articles regarding Islamic CSR lately are maqasid, independent, and Delphi, and it is predicted that these three words will continue to be used from the end of 2022 to the end of 2023 and in the following years and are expected to become the most robust trend -research themes related to Islamic CSR in the future. Through this bibliometric approach, issues regarding Islamic CSR become easier to find, more cost-effective, and more accessible for researchers to determine widely used topics.

Keywords: Bibliometrics; R-Studio; Islamic CSR

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