Dividend Policy Research Mapping: Bibliometric Analysis

Risa Nur Aidah, Puji Lestari


In the company's perspective, the policy of choosing dividends is an important decision for the flexibility of companies to invest in the future because of the amount of dividends they pay to shareholders. There are many studies that discuss dividend policy. In the current era of technological and information development, analyzing quickly and efficiently improving scientific documents in a field or research topic is an important and essential task for a researcher. So this study will use the bibliometric method to use research trends in dividend policy studies. The research approach used is quasi-qualitative. Article screening using Harzing's Publish or Perish software using the keyword "Dividend Policy" and retrieval of data from Google Scholar with a period of 2013-2022. Search results through Harzing's Publish or Perish obtained 1000 article publications. The results of the Network Visualization mapping are divided into 5 clusters and there are topics that are often associated with dividend policy, one of which is the influencing factor. The most recent topics based on the results of the overlay visualization in this study include firm size and profitability and the most frequently researched topic based on the results of the density visualization is the Dividend Payout Ratio . Meanwhile, the topic suggested by researchers for future research is free cash flow.

Keywords : Bibliometrics, Dividend Policy, Google Scholar, Research Trends

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