Sri Anidya utami, Dwita Darmawati, Arih Diyaning Intiasari


Abstract. This study aims to evaluate the performance of Suradadi Hospital during the period of 2016-2018. This research can be used as a consideration in formulating a business strategy to respond to the business challenges faced by Suradadi Hospital. By applying the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method, it will be able to measure all business units in creating value for current organizational performance while considering the future interests.

            This research applies a descriptive-quantitative  approach. Primary data were taken using cross sectionalby distributing HRSC questionnaires. Secondary data were taken from financial, employee and medical records during the period of 2016-2018. The method of sampling is simple random sampling using the Krejcie-Morgan formula. The variables assessed are hospital performance using a BSC approach; consisting of: 1. financial perspective 2. customers perspective 3. internal business process perspective 4. learning and growth perspective

            The results show that the sustainable performance of Suradadi Hospital during the period of 2016-2018 is good (0.3125). The results of each variable assessed are as follows: the financial perspective is not good (efficiency ratio> 100% and effectiveness ratio <100%); the internal business process perspective indicates that there is an increase in outpatient visits and hospitalizations each year:  BOR (60.4%), ALOS (3.15 days), and TOI (2.63) show good results, but for BTO, NDR, and GDR show not good results (5.29, 11.37, and 28.86) respectively. Of customer perspective, the customer satisfaction score is70,188 which is considered satisfied, with customer acquisition of 27.97%. The learning and growth perspective variable shows that the employee satisfaction is only neutral (0) even though the retention (1.01%) is good, but the employee productivity sharply decreased in 2017 due to large recruitment without being offset by financial performance. Further research is needed to formulate a business strategy  Suradadi General Hospital to answer the future challenges.


Keyword : performanced, hospital, balanced

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