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Wiyono Wiyono, Haryanto Haryanto, Dwi Hastjarja KB


Retail competition in Indonesia increasingly fierce after an international retail policy can
take part in Indonesia directly. The real impact, international retail dominates over national
retail (local), mainly seen based on sales turnover. The competition requires the right
strategy. This study aims to explore retail consumer behavior in Surakarta. The study was
conducted through exploratory methods. The exploration process begins with literature
review with related topics. In addition, the in-depth interview process is conducted on retail
consumers. This process aims to identify the main points of choice for consumers in
shopping. Exploration results show that the main variable ofretail selection is retail location
(28%). Next variable price (21%) and merchandise (15%). In addition, consumer shopping
behavior shows that consumers when shopping is not alone. Subsequent findings indicate
that most consumers do not make written planning when shopping so often buy products that
are outside the initial planning (impulse buying). This is further strengthened when there is
in-store promotion (41%) and the effect of product laying strategy (23%).
Key words: Retail, Impulse Buying, Price, Location, In-store Promotion.
Persaingan retail di Indonesia semakin kompetitif setelah ada kebijakan retail internasional
bisa berkiprah di Indonesia secara langsung. Dampak nyata, dominasi ritel internasional atas
ritel nasional (lokal) semakin terlihat, terutama dilihat berdasarkan omset penjualan.
Kompetisi tersebut mensyaratkan strategi yang tepat. Studi ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi
perilaku konsumen retail di Surakarta.Kajian dilakukan melalui metode eksplorasi. Proses
eksplorasi berawal dari telaah pustaka dengan topik terkait. Selain itu, proses in depth
interview dilakukan terhadap konsumen retail. Proses ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi point
point utama yang menjadi pilihan konsumen dalam berbelanja di retail. Hasil eksplorasi
menunjukkan bahwa faktor utama keputusan pemilihan retail adalah lokasi retail(28%).
Selanjutnya faktor harga (21%) dan merchandise (15%). Selain itu, perilaku berbelanja
konsumen menunjukkan bahwa konsumen saat berbelanja tidak sendirian. Temuan
berikutnya mengindikasikan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen tidak membuat perencanaan
tertulis saat berbelanja sehingga sering kali membeli produk yang diluar perencanaan awal
(impulse buying). Hal ini semakin diperkuat bila ada promosi (41%) dan strategi penempatan
produk (23%).
Kata Kunci: Retail, impulse buying,harga, lokasi, instore promotion.

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