
  • Agus Fitri Yanto Politeknik Sawunggalih Aji,Kutoarjo
  • Danis Imam Bachtiar Politeknik Sawunggalih Aji,Kutoarjo


Purworejo located on the southern coast of Central Java, has has 805,812 residents, consisting of 406,130 men and 399,682 women (Population Aggregate Data July 01, 2014, This amount is certainly very potential and positive impact in the empowerment of excellent potential with the vision framework "Purworejo Go Agriculture Vision". One of them is dawet ireng as a typical Purworejo culinary. Although it has to compete with modern culinary, this local specialty culinary has provided support for the economic development of Purworejo and still get a place in the community. When dawet ireng has penetrated into various regions and widely known, in the area of Purworejo itself actually seemed to be an ordinary culinary. Moreover, as the competition between entrepreneurs increasingly stringent, quality and product image of dawet ireng become less attention. This is certainly inversely proportional to the dawet ireng status as a typical Purworejo culinary. Departing from it then conducted research about society perception of dawet ireng as Purworejo typical culinary. The formulation of the problem is how the influence ofproduct, image, price and promotion to the decision ofthe community in buying dawet ireng. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of product, image, price and promotion ofcommunity decision in buying dawet ireng. From the results ofthe research note that product quality, image, price and promotion have a positive and significant effect on the decision to buy dawet ireng as Purworejo typical culinary. Therefore, to support the strengthening of image and bargaining power of dawet ireng as a distinctive culinary icon, Purworejo Regional Government needs to set the standardization ofproduct, promotion and uniqueness of dawet ireng as well as optimizing the development of related entrepreneurs. This is as a follow up of the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of Purworejo Regency. Keywords: dawet ireng, purworejo culinary, community perception.


