This research entitled “Analysis Competitiveness of Indonesia’s Shrimp in European Market 2008-2016”. The purpose of this research is to analyze the position of Indonesia’s shrimp competitiveness in six destination countries in European market at 2008 until 2016. The six countries are United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy and Belgium. As a potential market for Indonesia under the US and Japan markets, the European market has become one of Indonesia's largest shrimp export markets. The considerable potential of this shrimp commodity can determine the advantages and capabilities of Indonesia's shrimp commodity to face the free trade. During the period of 2008 to 2016, the volume of Indonesia’s shrimp exports in the European market has fluctuated. This fluctuation is caused by decreasing of volume in some shrimp export destinations at the European market as well as other problems. This research used This research used Export Product Dynamic (EPD) to analyze competitive advantage of shrimp commodity. The EPD analysis shows that Indonesia’s shrimp in United Kingdom, Germany, Netherland, Italian and Belgian countries are in the "Falling Star" position, while in France it is in the "Rising Star" position. The implications of this research is that to improve the competitiveness, both comparative and competitive advantage needs to be done to increase productivity in order to obtain high productivity. Then, improve the shrimp quality and create added value for shrimp commodity Indonesia. The role of the government is also required by engaging intergovernmental cooperation by creating good policies for Indonesia’s shrimp commodities. The implications of this research to improve the competitiveness needs to be done to increase productivity. Then, improve the shrimp quality and create added value for shrimp commodity Indonesia. The role of the government is also required by engaging intergovernmental cooperation by creating good policies for Indonesia’s shrimp commodities.