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Rizal Hari Magnadi, Farida Indriani


Green marketing concept rise in connection with society willingness that more opened mind
with the protection of nature. The consumers think that the biggest bad impact from unfriendly
environmental consumption pattern, slow or fast, will affecting significantly to the next
generation. The concept about friendly environmental habit is not just showed in the
composition or product characteristics that business produce, but also in the package, process
and production technique. In the book CHAOTICS (2011), Kotler and Caslione gave their
opinion that there is a huge changing in the marketing landscape, that nowadays a consumer
become smarter, empowered, and can gathered every information about a product, a service or
a company by using internet and by connecting with their college by social network. Kotler et
al. quoting an opinion from Esty and Winston about several things that motivate a company to
become greener, which is a good environmental portfolio, higher brand exposure, and big
environmental impact. A lot of company that have had including a green issue in their
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program and some has including it also in their main
business model. According to Kotler et al. (2010) in the Marketing 3.0 book, the evolution of
marketing has passing 3 phases which is Marketing 1.0, Marketing 3.0 and now is the era of
Marketing 3.0. In this Marketing 3.0 era, every business entity has to fulfilling values that a
human is a completely creature, with his mind, heart and spirit. Three main strengths in this
era is an era of participation, an era of globalism paradox, and an era creative society. These
three main strength has transformed our customer to become more collaborative, cultured and
spiritualize. An external factor that most affecting consumer in buying decision making are a
suggestion from trusted person or it called reference group. Promotion activities with low
budget and high impact that company can do which also contain about green issue can be
doing with an activation of community that the society have. Soon after it activated the
community can initiated a positive Word of Mouth (WOM). Kotler and Caslione also argued
that a Business Enterprise Sustainability based on all of the problem in the effort of sustaining
company’s life.

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