Analysis of Financial Aspect and Operational Aspect in the Estabilishment of the Rural Bank Branch Office Cilacap County in Pandemic Covid-19


  • Pamungkas Napril Isro Nugroho Universitas Jendral Soedirman


Gross Regional Domestic Income Cilacap regency is still dominated by the oil and the gas sector, but sector of Small and Medium Enterprise continues to experience positive development with 5% increase every year. Kroya Sub-district as the center of economic activity in north Cilacap contributes 17% of the number of Small and Medium Enterprise completely of Small and Medium Enterprise in Cilacap. The issue of capital is still major problem for SME players. 69,02% of SMEs needed financial help during the Covid-19 period. Rural Bank is an alternative solution that can be done, the good growth of Rural Bank assets even during the Pandemic, can be used as an initial reference for establishing a New Branch Office in Cilacap Regency. The results of the Operational and Financial analysis can be said to be feasible. In the operational aspect, the company’s activities are planned in accordance with the Covid-19 health protocol. Financial Indicators show good numbers. The value of KAP is 84.47%, Return On Assets is 3.95%, BPO is 78.76%, and LDR is 85.89%.


Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprise, Rural Bank, Covid-19, Business Feasibility Study


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