Patient Safety Culture and Its Determining Factors (a Qualitative Study at Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara (RSI Banjarnegara)


  • Parlupi Parlupi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Agus Suroso Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Eman Sutrisna Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Health Services at hospital completed with modern technology as well as diagnostic and therapy procedure complexity yet probably risks patient safety, therefore, patient safety today is still a priority issue. Patient Safety is a system that makes patient care safer. Developing patient safety program at hospital is a high challenge for hospital management, in which the most serious difficulty is to make safety culture, a foundation for patient safety program. During the period of 2019 at Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara (RSI Banjarnegara), there were 19 injury potential cases, 37 Non Injury Cases, 24 Close to Injury Cases and 5 Unpredictable Incident Cases. While in 2020 up to June 2020, there have been 9 injury potential cases, 1 Non Injury Cases, 14 Close to Injury Cases and 18 Unpredictable Incident Cases. The purpose of this study is to identify patient safety culture and its determining factors at Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara (RSI Banjarnegara) in 2020. Type of this study is phenomenology study using descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection method used is by conducting interviews and reviewing policies/regulations concerning patient safety. Data analysis method used is by data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusion and verification.


Conclusion : Factors determining patient safety culture at Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara (RSI Banjarnegara) are among others : availability of manager support, strong commitment from chairperson of committee of Patient‘s Quality and Safety Improvement, patient safety culture understanding at executing level, blaming culture which still exists, reward system in employee performance assessment, sufficient facilities and infrastructure to apply patient safety culture.


Keywords : culture; patient safety; determining factors.


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