Strategic Study: The Role of Condition-Based Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Reliability
Maintenance is an important performance factor for reliability in an electric power supply company. Maintenance is carried out regularly and intensively to maintain the reliability of electricity distribution. The maintenance strategy most often used is corrective and preventive maintenance, which are carried out by two different methods and with different results. Therefore, results-based research is needed to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the two methods. This research was conducted by exploring the results of interviews with management as an experienced maintenance policymaker with data observations made at PLN as the only power company in Indonesia. The results showed that preventive maintenance or time-based maintenance increased the level of reliability higher than corrective maintenance (condition-based maintenance). This journal was created by conducting a case study on the strategy carried out by management at the Central Java Distribution Unit PLN, Indonesia in carrying out maintenance at distribution substations in Central Java.
Keywords: Maintenance; Preventive Maintenance; Condition-based Maintenance; Substations