The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Performance with Self-efficacy as a Mediator


  • Tri Oktiani Indrawiani Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Adi Indrayanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Entrepreneurial Leadership is a unique style of leadership that is needed to overcome the challenges and difficulties in various stages of organizational development . During the Covid-19 pandemic, SMEs needed a leadership style to be able to survive and find new innovations so that they could compete both in the local and global sphere. Recently, entrepreneurial leadership has become a new phenomenon in Indonesia in the world of business management that needs to be discussed. In this regard, in this study the importance of entrepreneurial leadership is emphasized by examining the concept of entrepreneurial leadership in the framework on the effect on innovation through self-efficacy.


Keywords: Entrepreneural Leadership; Innovation; Self-efficacy.


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