Urgency Working Model And Culture With An Online Based Financial Management System As An Efforts Of Performance Assessment At Bppkad Cilacap District
This research is a qualitative research using the Grounded Theory model on the Model and Work Culture of Regional Financial Management at BPPKAD Cilacap Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between performance, work culture and online-based financial management systems at BPPKAD Cilacap Regency. The research subjects in this study were all employees in the Regional Revenue, Financial Management and Asset Agency of Cilacap Regency regarding online-based financial management. The informants in this study consisted of treasurers of finance, leaders within the BPPKAD and operators of regional financial management systems. This research was conducted for 21 days, with each day conducting in-depth interviews with the Treasurer of Finance, leaders within the BPPKAD and operators of regional financial management systems. Purposive sampling method is used in determining the type of information. Based on the results of in-depth interviews, FGDs and observations conducted on treasurers, BPPKAD leaders and regional financial management system operators, it shows that: The use of an online-based financial management system at BPPKAD Cilacap Regency changes Work Culture and improves employee performance Optimal performance for employees can be achieved in a number of ways, including work ethic, and commitment to complete work, increased awards given to financial management officers, openness and easy access to information technology.
Keywords: Work Culture, Online System, Performance
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