The Influence of Job Insecurity, Authoritarian Organizational Culture And External Job Opportunities on Employee Turnover


  • Endah Cahyani Wulandari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Adi Indrayanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Ade Irma Anggraeni Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Purpose ̶ The purpose of this paper is to see whether are influences from job insecurity variables, authoritarian organizational culture and external job opportunities on turnover at Harapan Ibu Purbalingga hospital. Design/Methodology/Approach ̶ The number of samples used was 53 employees who had resigned. The sampling technique used was random sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach. Findings ̶ The results of the analysis show that job insecurity, authoritarian organizational culture and external job opportunities affects employee turnover. Research limitations/implications ̶ Given that the number of respondents is only 53 people, of course it is still not enough to describe the real situation. In the data collection process, the information provided by respondents through questionnaires sometimes does not indicate the respondent's true opinion, this is due to differences in thoughts, assumptions and different understandings of each respondent, as well as other factors such as honesty in filling out the respondent's opinion in the questionnaire. Future research could look into extending the study population to include collect input from other types of organization. If samples were drawn from a wider range of demographics, then the results become more meaningful. Originality/value ̶ This study contributes to the lack of research on authoritarian organizational culture as a predictor of employee turnover. Practical implications ̶ It is important for management to create a conducive work environment in order to create employee commitment to reduce turnover. Keywords job insecurity, authoritarian organizational culture, job search modes, turnover Paper type Research pape


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