Health Service Development Strategy Based on Service Delivery System (Case Study at Puskesmas Cilongok I, Banyumas Regency)
The development of health services for health organizations, especially Public Health Center is important, this is because the Public Health Center is the first level implementing unit as well as the spearhead of health development in Indonesia which benefits the community greatly. With the many requests from the community to use this first level health facility, Public Health Center are required to provide excellent service so that there is the development of outpatient and inpatient Puskesmas as was done by Puskesmas Cilongok I, Banyumas Regency, but there are problems such as the geographical area of the Puskesmas coverage and terrain that is difficult to reach as well as the lack of medical personnel such as doctors and nurses who are in charge of handling patients coming to the Puskesmas Cilongok are still problems that have not found a solution.
The research method used in this research is a qualitative method. The data were collected by means of questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analysis method used in this study is the SWOT analysis. The location of this research was conducted at the Puskesmas 1 Cilongok Banyumas Regency.
The results of this study analyzed internal factors consisting of strengths and weaknesses and external factors consisting of opportunities and threats from the Puskesmas 1 Cilongok, which then by using the SWOT matrix it was found that SO (strength-opportunities), WO (weakness-opportunities) ), ST (strength-threats) and WT (weakness-threats). Furthermore, by using the SWOT analysis model, a development strategy that is relevant to the development of health services will be found based on the service delivery system at Puskemas Cilongok I.
Keyword: Service, Healthy, Development, Strategy, Service Delivery System, Analysis SWOT
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