Examining Saving Cultural Model on BPR Customer: Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
Banyumas is a district in Central Java with a significant number of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (Rural Bank). However, it is found that the growth in the number of costumer saving every year has decreased. This study aims to analyze the cultural factors of the Banyumas people in their savings activities at BPR. Five variables are usually used to examine aspects of saving cultures such as power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation. This research will develop a conceptual framework based on the Theory of Planned Behavior as a tool to predict individual behaviour to save money in BPR. Hofstede's (2009) cultural dimension is used as an indicator to build a proposition of intentions and individual behaviour in saving activities. For BPR that wants to acquire new customers or retain existing customers can use this study's results to determine cultural preferences in influencing the intention to save in Banyumas society. Since the attitude of individual behaviour and behaviour is closely related to cultural aspects, a community culture-based strategy can be formulated to improve service to customers.
Keywords: Cultural Dimension, Theory Planned Behavior, Saving Behavior, Hofstede, BPR