Improving Job Satisfaction On Namadic Government Employee By Exploiting Work From Home


  • Nur Abadhi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Achmad Sujadi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


This study was conducted to analyze the influence of Job Mutation variable and Job satisfaction¹; work-family conflict and job satisfaction²; and moderation effect of work from home to job satisfaction³.  Quantitative approach used to analyze relationship these variables throught questionnaire with likert scale one to five.  Data compiled from 99 government employee from three Office of State Asset and Auction Services namely Purwokerto, Tegal and Singaraja.  Employee at these office are central government employee under Directorate General of State Asset with an operational scope covering all region in Indonesia, so the Job Mutation Policy.  Purposive sampling used.  The analysis tool uses PLS (Partial Least Square).  The result show that job mutation have positively influence on job satisfaction while work-family conflict have negatively.  By using WFH, it’s give contribution on the effect of Job Mutation on Job satisfaction, but not in the other one.


Keywords: Job Mutation; Work Family Conflict; Work from Home; Job Satisfaction


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