The Effect Of Service Quality On Patient Satisfaction Of Hospital Service Quality (Case Studies: Measuring Consumer Satisfaction)


  • Rifka Annisa Puspitasari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Ratno Purnomo Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Lantip Rujito Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Background: Patient satisfaction assessment isan important tool for monitoring the quality of health services because it reflects the quality of health services received. The gap between patient expectations and the response to health services performance during or after using health services can lead to dissatisfaction. Knowing the level of patients satisfaction can improve thequality of service. This research was conducted to analyze the effect of service quality by using Service Quality model which consist ofof tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,  and  empathy, towards the satisfaction of hospitalized patients and impact on patient satisfaction on the quality of hospital service.

Methods : The type of this research was quantitative method supported by the study of literature and design for cross sectional, with the number of sample research was 92 people of the patient population. Data collection in this study was carried out through a questionnaire method of attributes that were used as indicators. The  data  analysis  technique  in  this  study  uses multiple linear regression analysis operated through  the SPSS program.

Result : The research showed that effect of tangible influences the satisfaction of inpatients, reliability affects the satisfaction of inpatients, responsiveness  influences  the  satisfaction  of inpatients, the assurance  affects  the  satisfaction  of  inpatients and empathy affects the satisfaction of inpatients and thatimpact the quality of hospital services.

Keywords : service quality, patient satisfaction, the quality of health service


