Tourism Marketing in Banyumas
Nowadays the travel companies are flattering larger, more cultured, and more computerized in management. This paper is motivated by how customer’s services and facilities are provided to tourists in Tourism destinations, Hotels, and Local people. The purpose of this study is about the development of tourism Marketing and destinations in Banyumas and out of the city, make it more attractive and known as one of the Best cultural, artificial, and natural tourism destinations in Indonesia. Using a quantitative method this study analyzed face-to-face and improvement made virtual by Social Media and Web sites. Also, compared Indonesia tourism market with other countries' achievements to develop tourism in Banyumas. It was found that the greatest role play in tourism marketing is connecting people, cultures, and businesses across the country. It is needed for all tourism agencies and partners to work together to maximize the benefits of Hotels, restaurants, tourism destinations, air transport, and to upkeep the sustainable growth of air travel by connecting more people and more places even if small cities like Banyumas, more often.
This study answers the questions about the importance of Tourism Marketing in Banyumas and an airport in it or any nearest cities to Banyumas for tourism development. Because local people mostly choosing the type of natural, artificial tourism objects and cultural tourism objects. It concludes that native Societies, Restaurants, Hotels, Social media (promotions) and Aviation is the most important for tourism marketing and its development in Banyumas.
Keywords: Tourism Marketing; City Branding; e-WOM; Tourism service