Building The Concept Of Halal Brand Image On Islamic Banking
The asset growth of Islamic banks in Indonesia is relatively higher than their conventional counterparts. It is essential to explain the image of Islamic banks perceived by Muslim consumers. Brand image plays a significant role in affecting purchase intention. Customers may decide to purchase or avoid a product not because of the inability of that product to run its functions. This papers aims to explain the concept of halal brand image. The concept of halal brand image according to various scholars is still very varied, so it is necessary to obtain a holistic explanation regarding the concept of halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial institution. Literature review is used to explain the concept the halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial industri. Halal brand image can be defined as the rational and emotional perception of a brand that is followed, accepted, and permitted in Islam. This brand must certainly be free from usury (interest rate), gharar, gambling, and unfair as well as exploiting risk-sharing practices. Every practicing Muslim will consider Islamic principles when consuming any products, including financial service products
Keywords:Halal, Brand Image, Islamic Banking
The asset growth of Islamic banks in Indonesia is relatively higher than their conventional counterparts. It is essential to explain the image of Islamic banks perceived by Muslim consumers. Brand image plays a significant role in affecting purchase intention. Customers may decide to purchase or avoid a product not because of the inability of that product to run its functions. This papers aims to explain the concept of halal brand image. The concept of halal brand image according to various scholars is still very varied, so it is necessary to obtain a holistic explanation regarding the concept of halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial institution. Literature review is used to explain the concept the halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial industri. Halal brand image can be defined as the rational and emotional perception of a brand that is followed, accepted, and permitted in Islam. This brand must certainly be free from usury (interest rate), gharar, gambling, and unfair as well as exploiting risk-sharing practices. Every practicing Muslim will consider Islamic principles when consuming any products, including financial service products
Keywords: Halal, Brand Image, Islamic Banking