The Influence Of Brand Image And Brand Trust Against Brand Loyalty During The Covid-19 Pandemic Bpr Studies. Surya Yudha Bank's Baturraden Branch
During the Covid-19 pandemic, macroeconomic conditions experienced a crisis and almost all business sectors were affected. This also has an impact on the micro banking sector, especially for BPRs. The tight business competition before the crisis, coupled with the crisis conditions, made banking businesses have to choose the right strategy to survive in the current conditions. BPR. Bank Surya Yudha (BSY) is one of the largest BPRs in Central Java which is currently growing rapidly. In facing the Covid-19 pandemic, BSY strives to provide the best service to maintain the Brand Image and Brand Trust to build loyalty from all its customers.
This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Image (X1) and Brand Trust (X2) partially having an influence on Brand Loyality (Y), and whether Brand Image (X1) and Brand Trust (X2) simultaneously have an influence on Brand Loyality (Y). ). The analytical method used is using multiple regression. The data used is through a questionnaire distributed to 100 customers in the Baturraden Branch. By knowing the results of this study, it is hoped that it can provide input for BSY in choosing the right strategy to build and maintain existing customer loyalty.
Keywords: brand image, brand trust, brand loyalty