Economics Efficiency Of Arabica Coffee Farming In Kledung, Temanggung Regency
Kledung's Coffee plantation is the largest Arabica coffee producer in Temanggung Regency, but over the last few years, it has experienced fluctuations in production yields with land areas that tend to remain stable. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of Arabica coffee farming in the Kledung District. The research method that is used in this research is quantitative research. Furthermore, the sampling method that is used in this research is simple random sampling with a total population is 1,319 people, and the number of samples is 92 people and questionnaire data collection.
Based on the data analysis using efficiency tests (R/C ratio) the results showed that: Arabica coffee farming in Kledung has an average efficiency value of 2.04 with an efficiency value of 2.78 on an area of ≤ 1000m2 and an efficiency value of 2.19 and 1.29 in an area land of 1001-1500 m2 and a land area of >1500m2. It can be concluded that the Arabica coffee business in Kledung has achieved the highest efficiency in 1,000 m2 plantation.
Keywords: Farming, Arabica Coffee, Efficiency, Kledung