Improving The Digitalpreneur Potential Of Educational Students
Indonesia is currently in industry 4.0 where human life depends on the internet, data and information. This industry change creates new business potentials, one of which is digipreneur. Digipreneur is a business made through the use of digital devices such as cellphones, laptops, digital media and so on. Digipreneur's business activities are mostly done digitally, either through social media or the marketplace. This digital business is considered more efficient because it doesn't require a lot of funds to rent a place to sell.
Increasing the potential of digipreneur for students in tertiary institutions can be spurred by the existence of entrepreneurship courses, the Entrepreneurial Student Program (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha/PMW) and business competition programs such as the Indonesian Student Business Competition (Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia/KBMI). In addition, the rapid development of technology also contributed in creating a digipreneur. This increase in digipreneur in students can reduce unemployment and increase Indonesia's economic growth.
Digipreneur to educational students can be in the form of implementation of lecture results, for example: sharing knowledge on blogs or youtube media, and online tutoring. In addition, digipreneur in the field of education can also take the form of efforts to solve problems that exist in society, such as: startup development in the field of education.
Keywords: Digipreneur, Student, Education, Entrepreneur, Digital