Creative Behavior of Bawaslu Pangandaran Employees in Supervision of Elections during the Covid-19 Pandemic
This year, several regions will have regional elections. The process will go through various stages. During a pandemic, creative ways are needed so that elections can be carried out well. Bawaslu as one of the election organizers has a supervisory task from the beginning to the end of the stages in the election. In pandemic conditions, of course, there will be many things that will be taken into consideration in the surveillance process. This research explores what creative efforts Bawaslu Pangandaran will do and what factors can influence how creative behavior can be created. The results showed that Bawaslu Pangandaran implemented several ways to carry out surveillance during a pandemic. Creative behavior can arise due to various things, such as environmental factors, organizational support, individual abilities, and how a person interacts with their environment.
Keywords: Creative Behaviour, Elections, Covid-19.
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