Employee’s Performance in Service Sector during Covid-19 Pandemic (Study towards Service Sector in Central Java Province)

Lisa Indah Prasetyanti, Pramono Hari Adi, Dwita Darmawati


Covid-19 pandemic which hits Indonesia caused a lot of change in social and economy sectors. Work from Home/WFH policy makes a lot of business sectors, whether it is in service or industrial sector, impacted. This research is dedicated for further understanding in Company’s change of policy as the result of Covid-19 pandemic towards their employee’s performance in many service sectors. This research uses case study methodology research, conducted by semi-structured interview process towards 11 employees from four impacted service sectors such as hotel, education, monetary, and NonGovernmental Organization (NGO). The result of this research shows that these four service sectors do not have disaster management, and thereby not ready to face Covid-19 pandemic condition. Therefore, in order to survive during pandemic, company decided to take extreme strategy which impacted their employees. Started from adjusting the service offered, working hours division, salary reduction, and temporarily halting few types of work. Even though indirectly the employees are ready to face and accept a lot of challenges at work during this pandemic and try to maintain their performance. Employees try to adapt with the pandemic condition.


Keyword: Covid-19, company’s policy, employee’s performance


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