Nurses' Perception Of Compensation And Workload Towards Intention To Leave


  • Gunawan Andri Fauzi Universitas Jendral Soedirman
  • Pramono Hari Adi Universitas Jendral Soedirman


The lack of nurses is one of the problems in health sector, it may cause a decline in the quality of patient care services. Nurses must have high job satisfaction as a way to prevent the intention to leave. Compensation is an important aspect that needs to be considered by an organization and the suitability of workload is also one of the considerations for employees in deciding to stay or leave the organization. This study used a qualitative method to understand the perceptions of nurses at Duta Mulya General Hospital regarding compensation and workload in relation to their intention to leave. Data obtained through in-depth interviews. The analysis of this research used qualitative descriptive analysis and the results of the study will provide an comprehensive understanding of the compensation and workload associated with the intention to leave from the perspective of the nurses. The results showed that most nurses felt dissatisfied with the compensation they received, especially for additional compensation other than salary. Furthermore, nurses also complained about the workload that was not appropriate, especially when numbers of patients treated in outpatient and inpatient department are high. These factors may cause the intention to leave of the nurses from current job.


Keywords: Compensation, workload, intention to leave


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