Managing Employee's Emotion And Behavior In Hospitality


  • Agus Suroso Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Ade Irma Anggraeni Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The main characteristic of works in the hospitality-based industry require the ability of employees to exert all their abilities and emotions in delivering the service. However, recent research has proven the occurrence of emotional dissonance and its impact on employee counterproductive behavior. The results of previous research regarding the relationship between these two variables have various different results. Based on the assumptions of conservation of resource theory, organizational support contributes to reducing the impact of emotional dissonance and the emergence of employee resilience. This study examined the impact of emotional dissonance and organizational support on counterproductive work behavior and employee resilience as mediating variables. This study confirms the mediating effect of employee resilience and its contribution in explaining organizational support based on a framework of conservation of resources.


Keywords: Counterproductive Work Behavior, Emotional Dissonance, Employee Resilience,  Organizational Support, Conservation of Resource Theory.


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