Evaluation of the Transformational Leadership Model

Dian Purnomo Jati


The topic of leadership has become an issue that is quite important to be studied, researched and debated in the literature on management studies and organizational behavior during the last few decades to date. One of them is that transformational leadership has been empirically proven to have a positive effect on the relationship between leaders and subordinates. Bass developed a model of transformational leadership in more detail to describe the transformation process in organizations and distinguish between transformational, charismatic and transactional leadership models. Bass defines transformational leadership in the context of the leader's influence on subordinates, leaders transform subordinates to be more concerned about the values inherent in the work they do. As a result of this influence, subordinates will have a high level of trust and respect for a leader so that they are motivated to do something more than expected. A more detailed explanation is needed regarding the flow of the leadership process between a leader and subordinates. Transformational leadership models should still accommodate the leadership process at higher levels (groups and organizations).


Keywords: leadership; leader; subordinates; transformational model.


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