Factors Influencing Teachers' Intention to Implement the "Independent Learning" Policy (Case study on vocational teachers in Cirebon )
Teacher decision-making regarding the implementation of the "Free Learning" policy is of great concern to policymakers. Changes in education policy in Indonesia so far have not thought about how teachers can effectively implement these policies. Following the policy change in the policy of "Free Learning", it is hoped that teachers will no longer be burdened by the administration which has been a burden on teachers. This study aims to provide insight into the drivers of teachers' intentions to follow the “Freedom of Learning” policy and to understand how intentions can drive behavior change. Using the theory of planned behavior (Theory of Planned Behavior). Survey data were collected from a sample of SMK teachers in Cirebon Regency. The results show that the intention to follow the Freedom Learning policy is mainly driven by perceptions of behavioral control (ease / difficulty), then followed by subjective norms (social pressure) and finally the attitude (negative / positive evaluation) towards following the Freedom Learning policy. These results provide a comprehensive understanding of the variables that drive teachers' intention to follow the “Independent Learning policy and explain the importance of socio-psychological and institutional variables in teacher decision analysis.
Keyword: Theory Planned Of Behavior, "Free Learning" Policy
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