The Role of Sme’s Community Facing Triple Disruption (a Study of Ex-Migrant Workers Community)
Recently, Indonesia government takes various steps in preventing and reducing coronavirus. It has an impact on economic instability in that country. One of the most affected by this condition is SMEs. The decline in the turnover of SMEs in Indonesia is very significant due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Such conditions force SMEs actors to adapt in maintaining their business. The adaptability of SMEs is faced with three disturbances (pandemic disruption, millenial disruption, digital disruption) that we usually call triple disruption, which is why SME actors must survive in uncertain business conditions.
One of the MSMEs actors do for survival is supporting each other by utilizing their community. We know that Indonesia has many ex-migrant workers. Banyumas district is one of the most significant contributors to Indonesian migrant workers, directly proportional to returning workers. SMEs actors in the Banyumasan area deal with triple disruption is to utilize the community of ex-migrants SMEs actors.
This writing raises how the role of the SMEs community consisting of ex- migrant workers communicates in running a business and adapting to triple disruption to maintain the business. The method in this writing is descriptive qualitative by conducting literature studies and field observations through in-depth interviews. This writing is expected to provide insight for stakeholders on economic recovery through empowering MSME actors by utilizing the existing community.
Keywords: triple disruption, resilience, SME, ex-migrant workers
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