Personality Characteristics of Entrepreneur and Business Survival: The Role of External Environments
Entrepreneurial is one of the solutions for a country to face an economic crisis and reduce the country's unemployment problem. However, no more than 50% of the startup business can survive in the first three years. The Open System Theory explains that there is a positive relationship between external environmental factors and business activities. This study tries to provide the complex relationship between Self-efficacy, Risk-taking propensity, Innovativeness, and business survival with technology turbulence as the moderating variable. The data collection was provided through literature review from the previous study as the predictor. The contribution of this study is the clarification of the facts of personality characteristics of entrepreneurs and the indication that external environments can moderate the personality characteristics of an entrepreneur. The result shows that risk-taking propensity and Innovativeness positively affect business survival and will be best influencing at the moderate level.
Keywords: Risk-taking propensity, Technology Turbulence, Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business Performance, Open System Theory.
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