The Resilience of Some Types of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case in Malang Regency
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as economic backbone in the previous crisis were not seen in the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic and were even among the most affected sectors. This indicates that the resilience of MSMEs is weak against external factors. Many studies have been carried out to reveal the impact of Covid-19 on MSMEs but are still very limited in investigating the resilience of MSMEs by type of business. Various financial and non-financial programs have been provided by the government to MSMEs to restore their economic condition. Government programs for MSMEs will be more effective and efficient if adjusted to the resilience of each type of business. This study fills this gap by analyzing the resilience of MSMEs by type of business. Data were collected from 393 MSMEs in Malang Regency using an online questionnaire. There are five types of businesses studied, namely food and beverage, craft, agriculture, fashion, and batik. One-Way ANOVA statistic and Post Hoc Multiple Comparison and Least Square Difference (LSD) was used to analyze data. The results of the study show that there are differences in the resilience of the types of MSMEs studied. The resilience of the MSME type of agriculture proved to be the strongest compared to the other four types of businesses. There is no difference between the four types of MSMEs, but if ranked according to the level of resilience, the type of food and beverage MSMEs is the weakest. This needs attention from various related parties due to this type of MSME is the dominant one in Indonesia.
Keywords: resilience; MSME; Covid-19; Malang; Types of business
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