The Influence of Information Media, Knowledge, and Subjective Norms on Interest in Performing Cash Waqf
The potential of cash waqf in Indonesia is very large because the majority of the population is Muslim. The benefits of cash waqf are very much, one of which is that it can be a source of social funds to strengthen the economy of the community. The development of waqf is increasingly better, characterized by the number of parties who optimize the management of cash waqf. The government also showed its attention through policies issued that further facilitated the cash waqf process. In 2020, the government expanded the scope of micro waqf banks. The potential and the great benefits of cash waqf, and the realization of cash waqf receipts that are far from expected are the reasons behind this research. This research aims to find out the influence of information media, knowledge about cash waqf and subjective norms on people's interest in performing cash waqf. This research is a quantitative study using survey methods to people who have performed cash waqf. The population in this study is all waqif who performs cash waqf in official waqf institutions located in Banyumas Regency. The number of respondents in this study was 40 respondents. The sampling technique used is snowball sampling. Data analysis is using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) application. The results of data analysis showed that information media had no significant effect on interest in performing cash waqf, knowledge of cash waqf and subjective norms had a significant effect on interest in performing cash waqf.
Keywords: Information Media; Knowledge; Subjective Norms; Interest in Performing Cash Waqf.
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