The Effect of Workplace Design and Cognitive Ergonomics on Work Productivity
This study is based on layout theory which emphasizes the importance of layout at workstations in increasing company productivity. Several previous studies have proven that workplace design has a positive effect on worker productivity. However, research on workers regarding cognitive ergonomics is still very little. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of workplace design and cognitive ergonomics on work productivity. The design of this study used a survey with a research period of the cross-sectional method. The samples used by eyelash workers in Purbalingga were 100 people. Hypothesis testing is done by using regression analysis with the help of SPSS software version 22.0. The results show that Workplace Design and Cognitive Ergonomics have a positive effect on Work Productivity.
Keywords: Workplace Design, Cognitive Ergonomics, Work Productivity
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